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In January 2016, accompanied by seven other magnificent 

performers, Mendelson embarked on a three month journey of performance and education throughout Nicaragua in Central America. The tour included performing for more than three thousand children all around the country, as well as teaching circus skills, theatre and clowning to undercircused youth.

Performers Without Borders webpage

Team Nicaragua blog

Nicaragua Tour 2016

Performers Without Borders


Social Clowning

During 2015-'16 Mendelson traveled through IsraelPalestine and assisted Talya Wienberg in organizing and leading Social clown workshops in Ecome and the Group in Jaffa, Tel Aviv. 

Additionally, Mendelson completed an Pochinko Clowning artists residancy with Ian Wallace and Sarah Tilley, where she performed with a troup of clowns throughout the streets of Ciaciana, Sicily.

Playback theatre is a form in which a group of actros/improvisors get brief moments or full length stories from audiance members and act it out infront of them of the spot. Since the audiance just heard to stories from the tellers, the players strive to express and act out the 'heart of the story', the most essential, feelings, moments or the underlaying experince that was implied behind the teller's words. Mendelson performed with the Boulder playback Company during their 2014-2015 season.

Boulder Playback

   Theatre Company

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